Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Innovative way to engage with Citizens in Burundi

Interesting example of using Radio for connecting with citizens in Burundi to sort out corruption issues.

Really liked this approach by Burundi's Minister of using Radio as a medium to engage with the citizens to listen to their woes of corrupt practices of governance.

An outlet to express one's thoughts to someone who has the capacity to take decision and do something about it can be of immense help in a society where people are getting fed up of the situation and are at the brink of losing their control over their actions.

1 comment:

Saurabh Gupta said...

Interesting indeed. It had the basic requirement - political will. One would imagine, if the will is there, many more similar innovative ways to engage will emerge. We dont even have to go too far. India is still blessed with many temples and mosques. and these I am given to understand, once upon a time, served as places of public debate and interaction. I am sure its not entirely impossible for public servants to have access to these places.